When a couple decides to call it quits and end their marriage, there are a lot that has to happen. In most circumstances, divorce is complex and requires for certain steps to be taken. Business owner divorces may be even more complex. Texas business owners may find that the business they built up are considered as part of the marital property.
Should a business be seen as part of marital property, it becomes subject to the division of property. This means that the valuation of a business is an important aspect in the fair division of marital property. In order to ensure that the interests of both parties are protected, it is recommended that an independent appraiser is appointed to complete the validation.
The question is where to find an appraiser? Fortunately, there are people who are able to assist with such an appraisal. Apart from specific business appraisers, financial analysts, certified public accountants and business brokers are also qualified to do a business appraisal.
It is an unfortunate reality that the business owner who is charge of the day-to-day operations may be tempted to try and understate the real value of his or her business. This is one of the biggest reasons why an independent validation is a good idea. In this manner, an equitable distribution of the value of the business is ensured.
It is important for both parties in a business owner divorce to protect their individual interests. A Texas divorce lawyer has the experience and expertise to advise his or her individual client on the best course of action to take to reach an amicable outcome where possible. Through negotiation, litigation may be avoided.