There has been a great deal of focus on gender issues in recent years, but one area of the topic is particularly interesting to many Texas spouses. It appears that when traditional gender roles shift within a family, divorce becomes a likely outcome. That information can help spouses make changes to strengthen their marriage, or recognize certain fatal flaws in their relationship.
In households where women assume more traditional roles related to parenting and household management, disruptions can occur when wives also achieve advancement in their careers. If they suddenly begin earning the same or more than their husbands, they could begin to view the division of family responsibilities in a different light. Very often, men don’t respond to those income changes by taking on more household tasks.
That can lead to feelings of resentment, which can quickly turn into wives realizing that if they are already handling most of the work at home, and can also earn a substantial income, then why remain in a marriage? In cases where there are also relationship issues, those problems can seem magnified. This level of discontent may be why statistics show that women who out-earn their spouses seek divorce at higher rates than those who earn less.
For Texas spouses who are going through shifting gender roles, communication can help strengthen the marriage. In many cases, both spouses want to keep the marriage healthy and happy, and will do what it takes to create equilibrium. If that doesn’t occur, then divorce might become an appealing option.
Source: CNBC, “Why you may be more likely to get divorced and what you can do about it“, Nanda Davis, April 24, 2018