A number of problems can cause two spouses to end their marriage in Texas — for example, monetary trouble or even adultery. Still, based on new research, an especially common reason for divorce is the feeling of not being emotionally fulfilled in a marital union. Researchers, in fact, have said that divorce motives that are emotional in nature have increased, whereas motives related to addiction or violence have decreased over the years.
According to researchers, a major reason why spouses get divorced today is that they no longer feel in love with each other. The second most common motive for divorce is a lack of communication between spouses. The reason for this is that, when two people fail to communicate, this can take a toll on their relationship over an extended period of time.
The third most common divorce motive highlighted in the recent study is the absence of mutual respect. Psychologists have said that, when two spouses do not respect each other, this can actually be more detrimental than when the two parties do not love each other. Finally, growing apart was cited in the research as a main motivation for divorce. As an example, two spouses may discover that their attitudes have changed over the years, and thus, they develop different goals in life — goals they would like to pursue on their own.
Whatever the cause of a couple’s divorce may be, the reality is that the process can be challenging to navigate on one’s own. Fortunately, an attorney in Texas can help people who are going through divorce to understand their rights at the negotiation table or at divorce trial. The attorney’s chief goal is to help the client to pursue the most personally beneficial outcome possible, considering the circumstances of the marital breakup.