Texas spouses who are ending a marriage can quickly become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices that need to be made in a relatively short period of time, and under considerable stress. That can lead to important issues falling by the wayside. One of those issues is health insurance, and how those spouses who rely on their partner’s employment benefits need to ensure continuing coverage after a divorce takes place.
Some fortunate spouses can simply sign on to their own employment benefits, which is a simple process. Some can elect COBRA coverage, and keep their existing coverage for as long as three years. Others will need to shop for new coverage on the open market, which can be incredibly confusing.
There are pros and cons of each approach. One’s employment policy may not offer adequate coverage, or could be prohibitively expensive. COBRA extensions are attractive because they provide the same coverage one is used to, but that consistency comes with a very high price tag, and only lasts for up to three years. Shopping for new coverage requires a volume of research and effort that rivals a part-time job.
Texas spouses can begin by assessing their available avenues for obtaining health insurance, then comparing coverage and cost for each choice side-by-side. Finding the right match can be a challenge, but having solid health insurance coverage is an essential need. In some cases, it is a literal matter of life and death. This is one item that should not be left off anyone’s divorce to-do list.