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Did a financial upturn factor into your decision to divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2018 | Divorce

Not all Texas spouses choose to end their marriage based on a single traumatic experience or many years of turmoil. In quite a few cases, the decision to divorce was made based on financial matters. Notably, many divorce experts believe that a spouse’s odds of divorce increase during times of financial stability. Money brings opportunity, including the opportunity to move away from a faltering marriage. 

There are other ways that finances impact a marriage. Shifting gender roles place many couples at odds over what their respective roles should be in the family. More and more, women are becoming less willing to set aside their own careers to tend to family and household management. While that might be perfectly fine for younger couples, it can throw a real wrench in the works for older couples who have chosen a more traditional path for many years. When a wife re-enters the workplace, she suddenly has a level of choice, opportunity and power that she might not have had in the home. 

Even in households where a more traditional structure was intentionally chosen, strife can arise if the realities of the structure don’t match the expectations. For example, a husband who thought he would enjoy staying at home to raise the kids while his wife worked her way up the corporate ladder could easily become disenchanted with that structure if her job begins to require extended travel and late nights at the office. If there is enough money to allow both spouses to walk away with relative ease, that path can become more appealing. 

Regardless of what played a role in a Texas couple’s decision to divorce, there will be a range of financial matters that must be addressed during and after the divorce process. Working with a skilled divorce attorney can help spouses make decisions that are in line with their long-term financial goals. That can make it far easier to move forward to shape one’s new life. 


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