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Late-life divorce may seriously impact women’s retirements

On Behalf of | Oct 27, 2016 | Divorce

Texas residents may have read about a recent study that seems to have drawn a correlation between the the age at which a woman ends her marriage and the likelihood that she will be employed in full-time work after she has reached retirement age. The divorce study was conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research and Boston College’s Claudia Olivetti, as well as Mathematica Policy Research’s Dana Rotz. It was composed of survey data collected from nearly 56,000 women.

The study found that women who were divorced after the age of 50  — compared to those who were divorced before 30 — were around 10 percent more likely to be full-time workers from the age of 50 to 74. Although younger American couples’ divorce rates have fallen, divorces of those over 50 roughly doubled during the 20-year period from 1990 to 2010. The researchers believe that this may contribute to the fact that one in five Americans aged 65 or older is working — twice the number as in the 1980s.

The researchers assumed that those who divorced at earlier ages simply had more years to invest in their careers. This allowed them more time to spend building up their individual retirement nest eggs. This contrasted to the women who relied more upon their spouses for financial support and, later, after getting divorced, simply ended up with less.

When a married couple decides to move forward with divorce, immense conflict and emotional trauma may ensue. This holds especially true when children are involved. For this reason, it is often advisable that any person considering divorce to speak with a skilled Texas family law attorney. An attorney in this area of focus can inform an individual of his or her legal options, provide helpful guidance, as well as protect the person’s rights.

Source: The Huffington Post, “How Late Divorce Seriously Messes Up Retirement For Older Women“, Ann Brenoff, Oct. 19, 2016


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