When a couple’s marriage in Texas begins to dissolve and the end is on the horizon, both spouses may have a wide array of feelings, depending on the circumstances of the dissolution, as well as the individuals’ personalities. It is not unusual for a spouse anticipating a divorce to feel hurt, fearful and unable to move forward with his or her life. This is completely understandable because the divorce process can be intimidating, as it represents the end of a relationship that many believe is supposed to last a lifetime.
When children are involved, the emotional stakes of the divorce proceedings are raised even higher. In Angelina Jolie’s and Brad Pitt’s case, their children may play a pivotal role in their reputedly imminent divorce. Jolie alleged that Pitt screamed at their kids, but others say that she is following a typical divorce script, in which wild accusations by one party are really just part of a typical strategy in order to win child custody settlements.
This is considered a commonplace tactic by some experts. It is seen as a way to manipulate the child-welfare system so that one spouse may get the upper hand when it comes time to decide who should get custody. Unfortunately, the system is not designed to handle the sheer volume of these kinds of complaints. Too many complaints clog the system, effectively overloading investigators, which means the true cases in which abuse or neglect may have occurred are not assessed quickly.
When Texas couples decide to get a divorce, it may be difficult to proceed in life, as there may be a seemingly infinite amount of questions regarding the process. Many choose to consult an attorney, who can provide advice not only about money, assets and investments but, more importantly, protecting the children’s best interests. The attorney can provide guidance and information about the options the spouse has and assist with negotiation when needed. An attorney can also represent a client in court when necessary.
Source: New York Post, “Brangelina’s ugly split is all too typical of how we divorce now“, Abby W. Schachter, Sept. 25, 2016