When it comes to marriage, many Americans — and perhaps Texas readers — have a notion in their minds that marriage is the end-all be-all for women. Some women even joke that they went to college to get their “Mrs.” degree. So, when a couple goes through a divorce, observers may begin to assume some things about the couple. However, as with most things in life only seen at face value, it’s not only more complicated than that but, as recent studies have revealed, women deal with divorce somewhat differently than some might assume.
For example, one study found that, in a heterosexual marriage, the woman was actually much more likely to be the spouse to call the marriage off than the man. The 2015 study showed that, out of 2,000 married couples, roughly 70% of the ones who filed for divorce were women. The study also found that, after divorce, women are actually far more content than their male counterparts. Taken altogether, just these findings alone debunk a great deal of long-held assumptions that some individuals might very well hold about the American institution of marriage.
Another study turned yet another enduring but unfounded notion on its head. Thanks to the media and popular culture, there exists an assumption that, after a divorce, the man is often clicking his heels in joy, ecstatic to be free at last, while the woman becomes jaded, cynical and put off of the very idea of men and love. Thanks to an online study that polled divorced spouses, researchers found that, actually, quite the opposite was true — around 75 percent of divorced women reported no regrets over their decisions; however, only 61 percent of men did not have any regrets over the decision.
Whether one is a woman or man, divorce can be a trying time for anyone. Besides the emotional strain, there is the sometimes complicated legal aspect of the divorce that must be dealt with if issues such as child custody, child support, property division and alimony must be decided upon. Many Texas residents choose to consult an experienced divorce attorney during this time to help them understand the process as well as represent their best interests as the process makes its way through court.
Source: salon.com, “Women divorce better than men: They’re happier, more confident and less likely to self-destruct“, Kali Holloway, July 1, 2016