Before the navigation of parenting time over the holidays is over, divorced Texas parents will have to start working on an effective coparenting plan for the school year. While a workable plan for the logistics and times of parenting may already be established, there may be additional issues to address before the children go back to school. The ideal circumstances are naturally those in which parents can put their differences aside and communicate amicably when it comes to supporting their children, regardless of who has primary child custody.
It is suggested that both the school and the child have a copy of the parenting schedule — for little ones, it can be color coded. Teachers may identify and understand problems if, for instance, a child seems grumpy after every stay with one particular parent. Having insight into the schedule will make it easier to address the issue. As time progresses, children will have more school work, and a busier schedule. For this reason, various aspects may have to be revisited at the beginning of every year.
Schools must be informed of the custody arrangements, and instructions about whom they should contact in cases of emergencies must be in writing. Furthermore, schools must know whether both parents are to receive all communications from the school to avoid a child missing a deadline for a project or another important occasion. Parents who can work out an emergency plan and keep each other informed while also considering each other when it comes to the routines of the kids while in their care may experience less child-related stress.
Texas parents may want to include in the agreements their expectations related to how much time is spent on homework and address concerns about unsuitable friends. The formal drafting of a child custody agreement and/or parenting plan may seem overwhelming, and each party typically benefits from the assistance of an experienced family law lawyer. If agreements are not easily reached, an attorney may even be able to arrange the services of a professional mediator to facilitate communication that may lead to a workable coparenting plan.
Source:, “8 Tips For Successfully Coparenting During the School Year“, Laura Lifshitz, Accessed on Dec. 25, 2015