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zealous representation from experienced family law attorneys
a skilled trial attorney with a proven track record.

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The universe of family law: wide ranging and highly varied

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2014 | Uncategorized

Mention the word “divorce” to many people who have not gone through the process themselves, and many of them likely think of a fairly boilerplate and seamless process.

Nothing could be further from the truth, actually, with family law considerations in a divorce ranging widely from case to case. In fact, there is flatly no such thing as a “typical” divorce.

Truthfully, that shouldn’t be surprising, given that couples and families are unique in every instance. In legal matters where people themselves — and often their most fundamental needs and rights — are centrally implicated, every case will be markedly different.

That is what makes family law and its practice a complex broth. Consider that one divorce might involve a civilian couple, while another dissolution features married military partners. Some divorcing couples have children. Others have pets. Some have both. Some decouplings will necessarily involve issues surrounding child custody/visitation, child support and alimony (spousal maintenance), while others will be devoid of such concerns. In some divorces, negotiations regarding asset distribution will be of primary importance, while in others a marital contract (that is, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement) might exist that spells out an agreed-upon outcome in detail.

The list of potentials goes on, nearly indefinitely. Grandparents’ interests might be invoked in the divorce process. A family business or professional practice might need to be accurately valued. A parenting plan that incorporates provisions on health care, religion, schooling, sports participation and other matters might need to be crafted.

The attorneys at The Woodlands, Texas-based law firm of Vernier & Associates, PLLC, collectively command many decades of on-point experience advocating for clients across the full spectrum of family law and divorce-related concerns. We strive for optimal outcomes in every case we take and, as we note on our website, “thorough preparation and assertive advocacy for our clients” are hallmarks of our practice.

We invite your online scrutiny of our firm, welcoming your visit and any questions you might have.


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